| | | | Below you’ll find the list of necessary requirements to install and run GXportal’s Backend.
Server recommended requirements:
Windows 2008 Server
SQL Server 2008
IIS 7 with módulo IIS URL Rewrite 2.0
Microsoft .Net Framework version 2.0
Redistributable Package Microsoft Visual J# version 2.0
Server mínimum requirements:
Windows Vista (or higher desktop Windows), Windows 2003 Server (or higher desktop Windows)
SQL Server 2005/2008
IIS 6.0 or higher
Microsoft .Net Framework version 2.0
Redistributable Package Microsoft Visual J# version 2.0
Server requirements:
Oracle 10g (character set AL32UTF8 and national character set UTF8.)
SUN Java Virtual Machine 1.6 or higher
Apache Web Server with URL rewrites modules enable
Servlet Container that implements the specifications of Servlet 2.3 (3.0 not supported)
A hard disk with at least 2 GB of free space for the installation
Server requirements:
One of the following database engines:
DB2 UDB 9 or higher
Oracle 10g or higher
MySQL 5.0 or higher
SQL Server 2005 or higher
SUN Java Virtual Machine 1.6 or higher
Apache Web Server with URL rewrites modules enable
Servlet Container that implements the specifications of Servlet 2.3 (3.0 not supported)
A hard disk with at least 2 GB of free space for the installation
Client recommended requirements for use of the Backend:
Mozilla Firefox 3.6 or higher, Chrome 10 or higher
Minimum display resolution: 1280X1024
Client minimum requirements for use of the Backend:
Mozilla Firefox 3.6 or higher, Chrome 10 or higher, Internet Explorer 9.0
Minimum display resolution: 1024X768
The browsers in which GXportal’s Frontend has been tested are the following (that is, for the sites created with GXportal):
Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer
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