
How can I incorporate a group of users from another system into my website?

We can perform a massive entry of users by importing them from a file previously exported from another database.
In order to use this feature, the exported file must have the following features:
-Be a file with .csv extension.
-Have the following 11 fields for each user:
  1. Username to access the System
  2. Name
  3. Surname
  4. Email
  5. Gender (male, female)
  6. Birth date
  7. Country (with the description used in the target website; it can be seen in Configuration -> Countries if they use this data)
  8. List of roles (for example: 4#Web Administrator|20#Frontend Content Administrador|19#Registered User). This data is composed of ID#Role description and roles are separated with |
  9. Date and time when the user account was created For example: 09/03/2011 15:08
  10. If the user is active (true, false)
  11. If the user is disabled (false, true)

Note: If the backend is in English, fields are separated with commas (,); otherwise, they are separated with semicolons (;).
To check how they should look, we recommend generating one of these files with the users currently saved in the target website. It can be done from Configuration - Users - Download.
How to import this file into my website

After exporting the .csv file with the users, go to Configuration – Users and click on the Upload button to import them.

In the following window we have to select the file containing the users to be imported:

  • If some user details are missing, this information is not saved.
  • You can indicate if existing users should be overwritten when the same users are imported.
  • Initially, usernames are used as users' passwords.
  • All imported users must change their password the first time they log in.
  • If SSO is configured in a website, the button for importing users is not enabled (Upload button).
  • En caso de no contar con uno de los datos, se debe dejar igual el espacio.
User,User,Example,,male,,,4#Web administrator,04/17/2012 09:39 AM,true,false

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