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Phase 2: Building
Installation and setting up
During this stage, the resources will be tuned to start the portal development process. The tasks to be performed can be summarized as follows:
Setting up and starting process of the development and production environments. Installation of the Hardware and Software required for the development.
Installation of GXPortal.
Steps to create and design a portal
Creating and setting up a portal
The first step consists in creating a new portal and setting up the development and production environments to be able to start designing the portal.
Backend Security
It includes the definition of the security levels to access the different Modules and the user profiles associated to each level.
Based on the images obtained from the graphic design, these are loaded to be used later in the pages design.
The channels defined in phase 1 are created.
The previously defined menus are created and later they will be published in the pages.
Web user profiles
The previously defined web users profiles are created.
Sources – content suppliers
Based on the user groups that have been defined to manage the content, the corresponding Sources are created.
The categories are used to classify the content issues. They must be created if you want to classify the content issues and relate them to each other by categories.
Content types
Based on what was already defined as content structure, the content types are defined.
Designing channels templates
In this stage, templates must be designed based on the graphic design that was defined and they must be assigned to each corresponding channel.
Creating home pages per channel
Once the templates have been designed, you will define the home page of each channel based on these templates.
Designing the other pages
The other portal pages are designed.
Associating hyperlinks in the menus
Once all pages have been created you must associate each menu option to the page or external hyperlink that will be addressed by it.
Entering and publishing content
Once you have designed in which pages will the different content types be published, you can start entering and publishing the content while you continue developing the design.
Validating Prototypes – Preview
With the preview feature you can start validating the portal pages with the users in charge of approving this task.
Web Security – Access Control
Once the pages design has been closed, you must define what things cannot be accessed by specific user groups, based on the definitions made regarding the portal segmentation.
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