
Setting out the content details page

The details page used in the “see more” contents function can be automatically generated by GXportal. You can also use a customized page created to be used as

The automatic details page inherits the header of the page from which “see more” was clicked and shows the content details in the rest of the page taking the format to display this detail from the properties of the content GXportlet where the content is located.

The customized detail page can be created and designed the way you need it. To use it, you can associate it to the GXportlet where the contents are being published, at page level or at a channel template level. If you associate it to the pages, when you click on “see more” on any of the page contents, the customized detail page will be displayed to show the content details. If you associate it to the template, the pages that are inheriting from the template will inherit this detail page and all the contents of these pages will be shown on the detail page in the same way. Lastly, if you associate it to a specific GXportlet, only the contents published there will be shown in the selected detail page.

Steps to create a content details page:
  1. Create a Content Details Page: To create a new Content Details Page you must click on the + button farthest to the left (Create New Page) on the “Pages Design” screen. Then, you must select the “Content Details” option and assign a name to the page.
  2. Design a content details page: like with any other page, you must work editing the regions and sectors you want to visualize on this page according to the design you want. Specifically, when creating this page, it is initialized with a GXportlet that will be used to show the content detail.
  3. Associate the content details page: Once the content details page has been created you must decide if you want to associate it at GXportlet, page or template level.
    1. To associate it to a template you must click on the template Update option from the “Pages Design” screen. Then, in the advanced options you must select the Content Details page you created in the previous step. Make sure both pages are in the same channel.
    2. To associate the content details page to a specific page you must follow the same steps described in the previous paragraph to associate it to a template.
    3. To associate the Contents Details page to a specific content GXportlet you must go to the properties of this GXportlet and from the “See more” properties group you select the link to the “Page” property details page.


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