
What’s new on GXportal 5.2?

Site for Smartphones and Tablets

This new functionality allows you to quickly reuse the contents on your site and present them optimally to users browsing on their smartphones. 

Besides offering a web version for mobile devices, it offers the choice of creating a native application for both Android and iOS of the same site, so it can be published at Google Play and the Apple Store and have a brand presence including all the information of your site.

  • How are native applications for iOS and Android created for your site?



Styles aim at improving the productivity of design and maintenance for the site. Usually, design patterns are repeated throughout a site; for example, the way in which news and contents are presented on the site tends to follow a specific design and style for the headers and the summary related to such contents.

This new functionality is aimed at solving that scenario in a very simple manner by allowing the definition of different styles for each type of GXportlet. Then, by linking the corresponding style to each GXportlet used on every page, they will inherit the design properties. Every change introduced in the style is automatically shown in each GXportlet that inherits from it. Also, there is flexibility for customizing any property in each GXportlet instance, so that inheritance is applied to properties that were not modified in the instance.

See how to use styles here 

New GXportlets


New properties that make design more flexible

  • Regions and sectors

    • Background Position property in regions; it enables you, for example, to center the image used as background for the region.

    • An image can be set to change “on mouseover” for the expand/collapse sector button.

    • The possibility of applying the option to expand and/or collapse a sector in the title was added.

    • In Advanced ScrollBar the “mouseover” image for buttons can be specified.

    • In Advanced ScrollBar the horizontal buttons can be placed on both sides of the GXportlet by setting the property “Place scrollbar below” as “No”.

    • Default images were added for the Advanced Scrollbar.

    • In the Sector properties, in the Collapse group, the property “Activate this function in the title” was added; if it is configured as YES, the functionality for expand and/or collapse the Sector also works by clicking on the title that is being shown for the sector.

    • The property “Repeat the background image” was implemented for regions and sectors.

  • Content GXportlet

    • The group "Date as stamp" that enables you to configure designs to show the date of the content instead of the image both on the left and on the right of the contents header was added.

    • The property "Separation on the title" was added.

    • Properties to indicate the internal margin of each content were added.

    • The “Background” group was added to configure the content color and background image “when scrolling the mouse", and when “selecting” content.

    • In the “Title” group, subgroups were added to configure its style “by scrolling the mouse over the content”, “by scrolling the mouse over the title” and when “selecting” a content.

    • In the group “See more” the property “Link to see more about the content” was added in order to access its expanded version by clicking on any area of the content.

    • The group of properties “by scrolling the mouse over” was added to the group “Toolbar” and “General Toolbar”. This allows you to change the color of the text and its background, and the font style by scrolling the mouse. It applies to all the options appearing on the toolbar, both the options “see more” and the “general toolbar” where the RSS option is located.

    • A property to configure the line spacing in the title, summary and body of the contents was added.

    • It is possible to limit the number of related contents that are shown in a GXportlet.

    • Under the “Content” and “Content detail” GXportlet a property in the group “Title” was added to show the title in capital letters.

    • When a list of contents is presented and content is expanded on the same page, it is possible to highlight the content selected in the content list.

  • Menu

    • It is now possible to configure a bullet image for each menu option.

  • Forms or surveys

    • It is possible to define an image shown when scrolling the mouse over the send button in a form.

    • Files are attached to the email alert that is sent when the form or survey having some fields enabled to upload files is completed.

  • User registration form

  • Forums

    • The customization level of GXportlet list of forums has been increased.

    • A new access level to the forums has been added. It enables anonymous users to view messages but they cannot compose new messages or answer them.

  • Browser

    • In Advanced browser a property is added to filter categories appearing on the filter by category and another property to indicate whether to show a filter by date.

    • It is possible to specify the categories shown in the contents in the GXportlet “Search result”.

    • It is possible to show the list of categories linked to the contents when the results of a search are listed.

    • New property to enter a separating text between the categories under GXportlet “Search result”.

  • Login

    • The property “Return to the previous page” has been added to the Login GXportlet (group “Enter Button”).

  • Product Catalogue

    • The field sale price and tax rate is added at the product level. In addition, within the list of products, this sale price appears with a higher priority in relation to the sale prices defined by date ranges.

  • Properties were added to Text GXportlet to configure the color of the text, of the background and the font style by scrolling the mouse over the text. In addition, a property was added to configure line spacing of the text.

  • Both at the site and page properties level, the property “Repeat the background image” has been added. It enables you to indicate if you want to repeat the background image, if you want it to repeat horizontally or vertically or if you do not want to repeat it. The repetition is a preset value.

  • New properties were added to the page. Under the SEO group, Tag Title, which enables you to customize this tag if you do not want to use the same description of the page, has been added. A property allowing you to include the HTML code within the page Header tag was added, as well as a property enabling you to indicate if you want the search engines to index the page. A property to indicate whether you want to center the page was added in the Design group. The preset value is “Inherit”, which means that this value is obtained from the configuration made at the site properties. Properties to configure color or background image are added. They override the configuration made at the site properties.

  • When the user utilizes the option Recover password, the password is reset and a new one is sent by email.

  • A web service allowing authentication from external applications to GXportal has been implemented.

  • A new web service compatible with GAM has been implemented in order to enable external applications to authenticate against defined users on the site.

  • The content expansion page can be configured at site level.

  • The GXportlet “Categorized Contents” functionality is changed. Now, it allows defining categories to be shown and arranging categories and published contents.


Backend improvements


  • The type of content can be changed.

    • Content categories

    • The option to configure a color for each content category is added.

    • A filter by category/subcategory has been added to the dialogs of Work with contents and Existing content to publish.

  • Images

    • A thumbnail can be associated with a multimedia image.

    • The columns “Width”, “Height”, “Size” and filter by Size are added when working with design images.

    • The columns “Width”, “Height”, “Size” and filter by Size are added when working with content images.

  • Newsletters

    • When a newsletter has the option of sending a different email per subscriber, a control is made to ensure that there is at least one content in one of the content sectors used on the page to be sent.

  • Design

    • The option to copy properties from a GXportlet on the page designer and paste them on a style is added.

    • The property groups and GXportlets properties have been reorganized to make it easier for the user to find them. Some of them were renamed to make the application more intuitive.

    • In Site Map, page properties can be configured from the properties grid. This also happens when the edit data button from the designer is used. The Edit button disappears when a page is selected.

  • Other

    • All the pages are now listed in the dialogs related to page expansion selection.

    • The addition of contents through frontend is now supported by working on the site preview.

    • An export option has been added to survey results. They are downloaded to a spreadsheet.

    • The option “Save as” has been added to channels, menus, contents and surveys.

    • The property “Sign-in page (SIP)” has been added to specify the sign-in page in a mobile device.

    • The option Export the site has been added to the control panel. This option enables site administrators to make backups.

    • The interface to select the site template has been improved. A demo of the site is produced before creating it.

    • Some general configuration properties of the site were eliminated (web services and default font).

  • Optimizations

    • Performance improvements on the role edition screen.

    • Performance optimization in the dialog “Add existing content” to a content GXportlet.

    • The maximum number of characters for the description of a category and content subcategory has been expanded.

    • An action executed on a grid appears in gray while it's being updated.

    • Metadata has been added to site preview to avoid browser indexing.



Important: because of the fix of the automatic expansion page, it is possible for Content GXportlets to show a link in the title and the option “See more” at the bottom. This is due to the fact that the default values for these properties are “Yes” values but were not applied due to the error. In the event that displaying the link would not be correct, set the properties “Link to see more in the title” and “Display see more below” to “No”.


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