
How to migrate the contents to another tool?

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The available utilities are located in the folder in which you decompressed the .zip file used to install GXportal. The installation documentation suggests this path: "c:\gxportal61"

Utilities are the same for all platforms, and what varies is the way the command is invoked:
  • Windows, Command line: gxportal.bat
  • Windows, PowerShell: .\gxportal.bat
  • Linux: sh or .\

Below are the commands for the Windows Command Line case.
Modify the way it is executed according to your platform.

Before executing a command, make sure that the database connection data is correct; this data is established at the time of installation.
If you need to change the database connection data, configure it with the connection command.

In order to see help for the connection command, run:

gxportal.bat -connection -help

The connection data to the database is configured as shown below:
gxportal.bat -connection -server <database server name> -database <database name> -user <database owner username> -password <database owner password>
In order to see the available utilities, run:
gxportal.bat -help

Before running any utility, check the list of existing websites to make sure you are performing the action on the right website.

To see the necessary parameters to see the list of websites, run the following:
gxportal.bat -list sites -help

After this query, the list of available websites will be obtained as follows:
gxportal.bat -list sites -systemPassword <gxpadmin user password>
To import a website, query the parameters as follows:
gxportal.bat -import site -help
Next, import the website as shown below:
gxportal.bat -import site -fileName <.zip name > -systemPassword <gxpadmin user password>
Likewise, to export a website, do the following:
gxportal.bat -export site -systemPassword <gxpadmin user password> -siteId <website identifier>

The contents of the site are reindexed as follows:
gxportal.bat -site <site identifier> -reindex -systemPassword <gxpadmin password>
Within the bin folder in the client.exe.config file, the value of the key GXportalSearchIndexPath is where the indexes are generated.
These files must be copied to the location indicated in the web.config file of the backend in the location indicated for the key GXportalSearchIndexPath.
The web.config of the frontend for this key must have the same value.