How to migrate the contents to another tool?
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How to redirect to a domain?
How URLs are built?
How not to indicate the language in the URL?
How to indicate that the title of the page to be displayed is different from its name?
How to define a site with HTTPS
How do I implement a search engine on my website?
What conditions do pages and contents have to meet in order to be found by the search engine?
How do I specify which contents and pages I don’t want to be indexed?
How to adjust a search result
How to define the title of a page
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How to migrate contents to another tool?
To migrate the contents of a website built with GXportal to another tool, follow the steps below:
1. Export the site
You can export your site from the GXportal backend by selecting the option Configuration > Control Panel > Export site.
2. Migrate the site’s contents to another tool
The result of exporting the site is a ZIP file containing several files. The portal.xml file contains all the data of your site’s contents.
The data is structured as follows:
<CTCONLNGVERBASCOMP>: Content components. For each component, the following data is available:
<CTCONLNGVERSION>: Content publishings. The most relevant details of each post are as follows:
<CTCATEGORY>: Categories used to classify contents. Their most relevant data is as follows:
<CTCATEGORYTLNG>: Category descriptions by language. The following data is available:
<CTCONLNGVERCAT>: Content classification. The following data is available:
<CTCONMAIN>: More content details. The most relevant data is as follows:
Broadly speaking, this is the content data stored in GXportal.
If there is other data that you need to migrate, you can send an email to to request the data you need.
1. Export the site
You can export your site from the GXportal backend by selecting the option Configuration > Control Panel > Export site.
2. Migrate the site’s contents to another tool
The result of exporting the site is a ZIP file containing several files. The portal.xml file contains all the data of your site’s contents.
The data is structured as follows:
<CTCONLNGVERBASCOMP>: Content components. For each component, the following data is available:
- <CTConIdMain>: Content identifier
- <CTConLngId>: Language (example: E = English, S = Spanish)
- <CTBasCompId1>: Component type. The possible values are as follows:
- FCH = Date
- FBIATIT = Title
- FBIASUB = Abstract
- TOKEN = Token to build the URL
- IMAGENNN = Image; NNN is the image number (example: IMAGE001, IMAGE002)
- AUDIONNN = Audio, Audio; NNN is the audio number (example: AUDIO001, AUDIO002)
- VIDEONNN = Video; NNN is the video number (example: VIDEO001, VIDEO002)
- <CTConLngVerId>: Content version. If content versions are saved, the latest version is the current one.
- <CTConBasCompDsc>: Description. It has a value for some component types, such as images. It is empty for other components including title, abstract, date.
- <CTConBasCompValue>: Value. It has a value for some component types, such as images, dates. It is empty for other components including title, abstract, body. When a content component has an associated physical file, such as the Image component type, <CTConBasCompValue> has the value that identifies it. For example, if the value is 363, the ZIP file will contain a file named graphicimagesource.json.363.1.file with the image.
<CTCONLNGVERSION>: Content publishings. The most relevant details of each post are as follows:
- <CTConIdMain>: Content identifier
- <CTConLngId>: Language
- <CTConLngVerId>: Content version
- <CTConLngVerStaPub>, <CTConLngVerEndPub>: start date-time and end date-time of the publication.
- <CTConVerDocState>: Content states
<CTCATEGORY>: Categories used to classify contents. Their most relevant data is as follows:
- <NWCatId>: Category identifier
- <ContentCategoryPrimaryColorId>, <ContentCategorySecondaryColorI>: Category colors to use in blocks, indicating whether the primary or secondary color is used
<CTCATEGORYTLNG>: Category descriptions by language. The following data is available:
- <NWCatId>: Category identifier
- <NWCatLngId>: Language
- <NWCatLngCatDsc>: Category description
<CTCONLNGVERCAT>: Content classification. The following data is available:
- <CTConIdMain>: Content identifier
- <CTConLngId>: Language
- <CTConLngVerId>: Content version
- <NWCatId>: Category identifier
<CTCONMAIN>: More content details. The most relevant data is as follows:
- <CTConIdMain>: Content identifier
- <CTConEntLngId>: Language in which the content was created
- <CTConFch>: Content date
- <CTCAConId>: Another content identifier used to access other data structures for contents.
Some of these structures are as follows:
<CTCACON>: Basic data about contents, such as title, abstract, body. The most relevant data is as follows:- <CAConId>: Content identifier. In <CTCONMAIN>, it is the field <CTCAConId>
- <CAConLng>: Language
- <CAConVers>: Version
- <CAConTit>: Title
- <CAConSum>: Abstract
- <CAConLvch>: Body
- <CAConURL>: URL if the body is a link
<CTCACONBLOB>: It is saved for each content whose Body is a File.
Broadly speaking, this is the content data stored in GXportal.
If there is other data that you need to migrate, you can send an email to to request the data you need.