How to migrate the contents to another tool?
Table of content
Before starting
How to redirect to a domain?
How URLs are built?
How not to indicate the language in the URL?
How to indicate that the title of the page to be displayed is different from its name?
How to define a site with HTTPS
How do I implement a search engine on my website?
What conditions do pages and contents have to meet in order to be found by the search engine?
How do I specify which contents and pages I don’t want to be indexed?
How to adjust a search result
How to define the title of a page
GXportal Online
Change Log
GXportal Installation and Tools
Installation on Linux (Java/MariaDB)
Below are the minimum requirements to install and run the GXportal backend and frontend.Installing the database, and the GXportal Backend and Frontend in different servers is recommended.
Basic software requirements for GXportal
- Database engine: MariaDB 10.2
- Java Virtual Machine 1.6 or 1.8
- Servlet Container to implement the Servlet 2.3 specifications
- Tomcat
- WildFly
- WebSphere
- Apache 2.4
Hardware recommendations
For security reasons, it is recommended that the database server be separated from the web server. If it is not necessary to access the GXportal backend online, it could be installed separately from the Frontend.For the database server, at least 8GB of memory and processors equivalent to the Intel Xeon generation are recommended. At least 6GB of memory and two or more Intel Xeon-like processors are recommended for web servers.
For the installation of version 6.1 you must download the file gxportal_61_java_mariadb.zipThe GXportal 6.0 setup is available here to download.
The following steps explain the commands performed on a Linux Ubuntu distribution. They must be adjusted to the Linux distribution to be used.
Note: the website domain used as an example is and it must be changed to the corresponding website domain. The same happens with the passwords to be configured. The database name used is "gxportal61" and the username used is "gxportal61;" they can be changed.
1. The user "gxportal61" must be created in Linux:
sudo useradd -m -d /opt/gxportal61 gxportal61
2. Configure a password for the user "gxportal61":
sudo passwd gxportal61
Log in with the username "gxportal61" (optional):
su - gxportal61
3. Uncompress the GXportal zip file at "/opt/gxportal61":
unzip -d /opt/gxportal61
4. Create the database manually
4.1 Create the database "gxportal61":
4.2 Create the user gxportal61 for the previous schema:
CREATE USER 'gxportal61'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<db_password>';
4.3 Give permissions to the user "gxportal61":
GRANT ALL ON gxportal61.* TO 'gxportal61'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<db_password>';
5. Configure the database connection:
sh -connection -server <database server name> -port 3306 -database gxportal61 -user gxportal61 -password <db_password>
6. Create the tables:
sh -createtables -dbpassword <db_password>
7. Initialize the metadata:
sh -import metadata -path /opt/gxportal61/bin/metadata -dbpassword <db_password>
8. Install the license administrator:
sh -deploy licmgr
9. Configure the protection:
sh -protection -registerdb -dbpassword <db_password>
10. Generate the WAR files:
sh -deploy war -path /opt/gxportal61/war
11. Take the WAR files from "/opt/gxportal61/war" and deploy them in Tomcat:
sudo cp /opt/gxportal61/war/* /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/
Note: Tomcat version can be 7, in which case you have to change tomcat8 to tomcat7 in the previous command path.
12. Enable in Apache the modules required by GXportal (,,,,
sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_http proxy_ajp headers rewrite
13. Create a directory in Apache for the website:
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/
14. Create a virtualhost in Apache based on the sample file:
sudo cp /opt/gxportal61/bin/config/apache/example.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/example.conf
15. Enable the virtualhost:
sudo a2ensite example.conf
16. Create the directory for the multimedia files:
sudo mkdir /var/www/
Note: must be replaced with the name of the domain to use.
Note: must be replaced with the name of the domain to use.
17. Associate the "media" directory with the Tomcat group:
sudo chgrp tomcat8 /var/www/
18. Give the Tomcat group permissions to read/write in "media:"
sudo chmod 775 /var/www/
19. Create the directory for the css files:
sudo mkdir /var/www/
20. Associate the "css" directory with the Tomcat group:
sudo chgrp tomcat8 /var/www/
21. Give the Tomcat group permissions to read/write in "css:"
sudo chmod 775 /var/www/
22. Give write permissions to Tomcat over the licmgr directory:
chgrp tomcat8 /opt/gxportal61/licmgr/
23. Create the directory for the temporary files:
sudo mkdir /opt/gxportal61/tmp
24. Associate the "tmp" directory with the Tomcat group:
sudo chgrp tomcat8 /opt/gxportal61/tmp
25. Give the Tomcat group permissions to read/write in "tmp:"
sudo chmod 775 /opt/gxportal61/tmp
To confirm that it has been correctly installed, access the backend:
To use GXportal, it is necessary to request keys and activate the corresponding licenses. The steps to do so are outlined here.
Next, log into the GXportal backend with the administrator user (GXPADMIN) and make the required settings to view the images and pages as if navigating the production website. The steps to do so are outlined here.